The Foundation of Contentment

The Son Who Came to Serve

  •   Feb 23, 2014   •     •   John 13:1-20

The Son and the Father Are One

  •   Feb 16, 2014   •     •   John 12:44-50

The People Become What They Worship

  •   Feb 09, 2014   •     •   John 12:37-43

The Dark Is Rising

  •   Feb 02, 2014   •     •   John 12:27-36

The Jesus Who Came Into the World

  •   Jan 26, 2014   •     •   John 12:20-26

The Unexpected King

  •   Jan 19, 2014   •     •   John 12:12-19

The Sin of Indifference

  •   Jan 12, 2014   •     •   John 12:1-11

Do You Love Us?

  •   Jan 05, 2014   •     •   1 John 4:7-12

Will Next Year Be Any Different?

  •   Dec 29, 2013   •     •   Psalm 90