People Matter

  •   Oct 25, 2015   •     •   Titus 3

Paul gives Titus many things to spend his time on. A love and concern for the people around him is near the top of that list. The same is true … Continue reading

Patience Matters

  •   Oct 18, 2015   •     •   Titus 2:11-15

As Christians, we can only honor the Lord because of God’s grace. How does that work? How does the guarantee of future grace empower godly living today? Listen as Aaron … Continue reading

Integrity Matters

  •   Oct 11, 2015   •     •   Titus 2:1-10

God calls his church to be different than those around them. Why? How is integrity in the church more than simple moralism? Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches on Titus 2:1-10. Continue reading

God, Be Merciful to Me

  •   Oct 04, 2015   •     •   Luke 18:9-14

Listen and learn what it means to trust in Christ’s righteousness and not our works to be right with God. Continue reading

Truth Matters

  •   Sep 27, 2015   •     •   Titus 1:10-16

How does one discern truth from non-truth? How should the church respond when dealing with non-truth? Why does this matter? Listen as Pastor Aaron teaches on Titus 1:10-16. Continue reading

Leaders Matter

  •   Sep 20, 2015   •     •   Titus 1:5-9

What do you think of pastors? What did Paul think of pastors? Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches from Titus 1 on Paul’s qualifications for leadership in the church. Continue reading

Blessed Reassurance

  •   Sep 13, 2015   •     •   1 John 3:19-24

How should a Christian handle doubt? Where should we turn when we struggle to find answers? Guest Preacher Chad Williams speaks to these issues from the book of 1 John … Continue reading

Hope Matters

  •   Sep 06, 2015   •     •   Titus 1:1-4

A true leader models a God-centered hope in a trustworthy and reliable God. Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches from Titus 1:1-4. Continue reading

Resenting God’s Grace

  •   Aug 30, 2015   •     •   Jonah 4:1-11

As Christians, we want to be overwhelmed by God’s amazing love for the nations. Listen now… Continue reading

Declaring God’s Message

  •   Aug 23, 2015   •     •   Jonah 3:1-10

How should we respond to the sin that so affects the world around us? How should we respond to the sin in our own hearts and churches? Listen as Pastor … Continue reading