Biographical Sketch: Robert M’Cheyne

  •   Jan 03, 2024   •  

This recording is from a topical Equipping Matters class taught by Zack DiPrima on the life and ministry of 19th-century Scottish pastor, Robert M’Cheyne. Continue reading

Be Still, And Know That I Am God

  •   Dec 31, 2023   •     •   Psalm 46:8–11

Psalm 46 emphasizes God’s glory, the central theme of the Bible. The God of Psalm 46 intends to be exalted in all the earth. This is a word of comfort … Continue reading

The Christmas Sermon

  •   Dec 24, 2023   •     •   Matthew 2

Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Is God Just?

Yes, God is just! Both in salvation and in judgment he always does what is right. This is a hard-hitting passage that speaks to God’s sovereignty in the salvation of … Continue reading

Am I a Child of the Promise?

Not all ethnic Israelites were (or are) children of the promise. Isaac was; Ishmael wasn’t. Jacob was; Esau wasn’t. These men, chosen that God’s purpose of election might stand, are … Continue reading

Why Israel?

No one today doubts the importance of the nation of Israel. It sits in the Middle East and is constantly in the news. But why is Israel so important? Though … Continue reading

Christmas Brunch

  •   Dec 02, 2023   •  

This is the audio recording of the devotional given by Leyna Vaughter at the 2023 Christmas Brunch. Continue reading

The City of God

  •   Nov 26, 2023   •     •   Psalm 46:4–7

Psalm 46:4–7 shows the importance of the presence of God in the Christian life and community. Psalm 46 points backward and forward to how God dwells in perfect harmony with … Continue reading

Is God for Me?

These verses mark the climax of the first eight chapters of Romans. In this chapter, having stated the gospel plainly (with justification by faith alone at the center), Paul applies … Continue reading

What Is Predestination?

In one of the most extraordinary paragraphs in all Scripture, Paul argues God will use every difficulty, no matter how intense, for the Christian’s long-term good. This is not a … Continue reading