The Son of God

  •   Aug 19, 2018   •     •   Luke 3:21–38

Jesus is the divine king who can stand in our place. Continue reading

The Salvation of God

  •   Aug 12, 2018   •     •   Luke 3:1–20

The enslaved heart requires God’s grace to radically change. Continue reading

Hope to Last

  •   Aug 05, 2018   •     •   2 Kings 23:31–25:30

God’s people have hope because they recognize the reality of judgment and place their trust in Christ, not in anything else the world offers. Continue reading

Resurrected in Christ

  •   Jul 29, 2018   •     •   Philippians 3:10–4:1

Once we have been justified through faith in Christ, our goal becomes knowing Jesus better and becoming like him, until we are finally perfected in him. Continue reading

Righteous in Christ

  •   Jul 22, 2018   •     •   Philippians 1:1–9

When your life has been transformed by the gospel you can say that Jesus Christ is worthy of all of your praise and is your ultimate treasure. Continue reading

Desire to Read

  •   Jul 15, 2018   •     •   2 Kings 21:1–23:30

True Christians have more than a desire to read the Bible; they have a desire to obey it. Continue reading

Need to Pray

  •   Jul 08, 2018   •     •   2 Kings 18:1–20:21

Hezekiah may have been the greatest king in Israel’s history, but he’s not the ultimate king we need. Continue reading

From Rags to Riches

  •   Jul 01, 2018   •     •   Colossians 1:1–14

In Christ, who we have is so much greater than what we have. Continue reading

The Divine Gospel

  •   Jun 24, 2018   •     •   Galatians 1:11–24

The divine origins of the gospel make it a message of powerful hope for great sinners. Continue reading

The Son’s Prayer for Us

  •   Jun 17, 2018   •     •   John 17

John 17 helps us to fully grasp Christ’s posture toward his people. Jesus loves his disciples despite their sin and failures. Continue reading