The Worship of Christ

  •   Jun 23, 2019   •     •   Acts 14:8–18

Safety and meaning are found only in Christ. Continue reading

The Division of Christ

  •   Jun 16, 2019   •     •   Acts 14:1–7

As Christians, we should be so enraptured by the gospel that we are not afraid to uphold the truth, even when we stand alone. Continue reading

The Nations of Christ

  •   Jun 09, 2019   •     •   Acts 13:44–52

When Christ’s people come together and worship him they are unified in a way that earthly culture can never unify. Continue reading

The Message of Jonah

  •   Jun 02, 2019   •  

Jonah’s resistance to God’s call on his life was futile. We should take this to heart and humbly embrace his grace in our lives. Continue reading

The Promises of Christ

  •   May 26, 2019   •     •   Acts 13:26–43

The Savior that Jerusalem rejected is the Savior that Scriptures promised and the Savior that you need. Jesus is the promised King and Savior. Continue reading

The Story of Christ

  •   May 19, 2019   •     •   Acts 13:13–25

Paul preached in the synagogue of God’s love and grace towards Israel before Christ. Today we see God’s love and grace in King Jesus. Continue reading

The Spirit of Christ

  •   May 12, 2019   •     •   Acts 13:1–12

Reaching the nations is a key part of being a Chrisitan and being a Christian church. Continue reading

The God of the Inadequate

  •   May 05, 2019   •     •   Exodus 4:1–17

We must trust God to work through us. Continue reading

The Justice of the Justifier

  •   Apr 28, 2019   •     •   Romans 3:21–31

God the just made the way for sinners to be forgiven–fully and finally–through the sacrifice of Christ. Continue reading

The Easter Sermon (2019)

  •   Apr 21, 2019   •   Luke 24:1–12

Faith in the risen Christ will change your life. Continue reading