Salvation Pursued

  •   Jun 21, 2020   •     •   2 Peter 1:5–11

Intense Gospel-driven effort in the Christian life ensures our effectiveness for Christ in the world and assures our entrance into his eternal kingdom. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Salvation Provided

  •   Jun 14, 2020   •     •   2 Peter 1:1–4

In the gospel, Jesus has gracious granted to us all that we need to live for him now, and to live with him forever. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Regathering Service

Jun 07, 2020   •  

This week was a special service celebrating the regathering of Mount Vernon. Instead of a sermon, church elders led 4 devotionals and prayer for the church. Livestream Video & Sermon … Continue reading

A Prayer for Glory

  •   May 31, 2020   •     •   John 17:5

On the eve of his own crucifixion, Jesus prayed for his own glory. As Christians, our lives are spent reflecting the glory of Jesus to the world. Livestream Video & … Continue reading

A Prayer for Love

  •   May 24, 2020   •     •   Colossians 3:14

Christians must be marked by a love of God and neighbor for their faith to be effective. Good actions without love will get us nowhere. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio … Continue reading

A Prayer for Grace

  •   May 17, 2020   •     •   Ephesians 1:6

As Christians, our prayer must be that God would be praised because of his glorious grace. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

A Prayer for Holiness

  •   May 10, 2020   •     •   1 Peter 1:16

A biblical understanding of holiness will lead us to better love and serve our holy God. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

A Prayer for Peace

  •   May 03, 2020   •     •   Philippians 4:7

True peace cannot be found within oneself or from the world around us. True peace is found only in Christ.  Continue reading

A Prayer for Humility

  •   Apr 26, 2020   •  

When we have everything we want, it is easy to grow proud. But God wants his people to know how much they need him every day of their lives.  Continue reading

A Prayer for Joy

  •   Apr 19, 2020   •     •   1 Thessalonians 5:16

Paul’s command to “rejoice always” for Christians is based upon his understanding of Christ’s reviving work in the Gospel. The joy of Christianity does not come from earthly circumstances, but … Continue reading