A King for the Disturbed

  •   Jul 05, 2020   •     •   Acts 17:1–9

In a divided world, Christians must choose to place their allegiance with King Jesus. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Mercy for the Fearful

  •   Jun 28, 2020   •     •   Acts 16:25–40

Christians are called to be in the world, but not of the world. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Salvation Pursued

  •   Jun 21, 2020   •     •   2 Peter 1:5–11

Intense Gospel-driven effort in the Christian life ensures our effectiveness for Christ in the world and assures our entrance into his eternal kingdom. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Salvation Provided

  •   Jun 14, 2020   •     •   2 Peter 1:1–4

In the gospel, Jesus has gracious granted to us all that we need to live for him now, and to live with him forever. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Regathering Service

Jun 07, 2020   •  

This week was a special service celebrating the regathering of Mount Vernon. Instead of a sermon, church elders led 4 devotionals and prayer for the church. Livestream Video & Sermon … Continue reading

A Prayer for Glory

  •   May 31, 2020   •     •   John 17:5

On the eve of his own crucifixion, Jesus prayed for his own glory. As Christians, our lives are spent reflecting the glory of Jesus to the world. Livestream Video & … Continue reading

A Prayer for Love

  •   May 24, 2020   •     •   Colossians 3:14

Christians must be marked by a love of God and neighbor for their faith to be effective. Good actions without love will get us nowhere. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio … Continue reading

A Prayer for Grace

  •   May 17, 2020   •     •   Ephesians 1:6

As Christians, our prayer must be that God would be praised because of his glorious grace. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

A Prayer for Holiness

  •   May 10, 2020   •     •   1 Peter 1:16

A biblical understanding of holiness will lead us to better love and serve our holy God. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

A Prayer for Peace

  •   May 03, 2020   •     •   Philippians 4:7

True peace cannot be found within oneself or from the world around us. True peace is found only in Christ.  Continue reading