God in the Flesh

Perhaps the greatest mystery all is how God took on flesh. The Bible does not get into the mechanics of this process. Mystery remains. Nonetheless, we are left with the … Continue reading

The Help of the Lord

  •   Nov 29, 2021   •     •   Psalm 33

Psalm 33 is a song of praise that fixes our eyes on the Lord—his character, his creative power, his sovereignty, and his steadfast love—and calls us to shout for joy … Continue reading

Have You Suffered for Christ?

Having completed his third missionary journey, Paul now faces the wrath of Jewish unbelievers in Jerusalem. With no opportunity to make a defense, Paul is seized, beaten, arrested, and taken … Continue reading

What Would You Do for the Lost?

In Acts 21:17–26, Paul’s participation in this optional Nazirite vow communicated his willingness to come under the law to win (and in this case, to disciple) those zealous for the … Continue reading

Do You Know the Lord’s Will?

Sometimes God’s will is very clear, sometimes it’s pretty clear, but still, sometimes it is unclear. Only the careful study of the Scriptures, the wise reliance on godly counsel, and … Continue reading

The Hinge

Justification by faith alone was “the hinge” of the Reformation, according to John Calvin. In Romans 3:27–4:8, we see how this right standing is granted to sinners by God’s free … Continue reading

The Door

Jesus’ exhortation to “strive to enter through the narrow door” is a response to the question, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” (Luke 13:23). Jesus’ reply is bracing, … Continue reading

What Do You Expect from Elders?

Godly elders are a gift to every local church. In Acts 20:28–38, Paul instructs the elders of the church in Ephesus. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Men’s Retreat 2021 Session 3

  •   Oct 19, 2021   •  

Audio recorded at the 2021 MVBC Men’s Retreat. This recording is Session Three from Shane Koehler. Continue reading

Men’s Retreat 2021 Session 2

  •   Oct 19, 2021   •  

Audio recorded at the 2021 MVBC Men’s Retreat. This recording is Session Two from Shane Koehler. Continue reading