
Titus 1 teaches about the gift of godly elders. Elders are qualified leaders in the church appointed to lead, instruct, and protect God’s people. Specific character and competencies must mark … Continue reading

Grace and Peace

Titus 1:1–4 covers the introduction to Titus. Within this greeting, Paul speaks about his ministry as a trusted apostle, Timothy’s role as a faithful coworker, and God’s generous gifts of … Continue reading

Life at a Crossroads

  •   Jul 03, 2022   •     •   Psalm 126

Probably written upon Judah’s return to Jerusalem, Psalm 126 is about transitions. Believers have experienced God’s extraordinary blessings—most notably, salvation! Yet, believers also know trials continue. Still, in the midst … Continue reading

Life Under a Shepherd

  •   Jun 26, 2022   •     •   Psalm 80

Known as a community lament, Psalm 80 is a prayer written when Assyria attacked the northern kingdom of Israel around 722 BC. The author knows God is their only hope, … Continue reading

Surviving Life’s Storms

  •   Jun 19, 2022   •     •   Luke 6:43–49

At the end of Luke 6, Jesus explains that his disciples are those who build their lives upon Jesus and his word. All circumstances of one’s life test and reveal … Continue reading

Life as a Fool

  •   Jun 12, 2022   •     •   Psalm 53

Jesus fulfills the prophecy in Psalm 53 and “restores the fortunes of his people” by taking away their sin at the cross and will restore them completely when he comes … Continue reading

Life at a Crisis

  •   Jun 05, 2022   •     •   Pslam 34

Reflecting on God’s providence through it all, David wrote Psalm 34 that we might not only endure our own trials but pray for deliverance and enjoy God while we wait. … Continue reading

“It’s the End of the World”

  •   May 31, 2022   •     •   Jeremiah 52

God wants us to know his promises to judge and save are entirely reliable. Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

“There’s Not a Square Inch”

  •   May 23, 2022   •     •   Jeremiah 45–51

God’s sovereignty is for his glory and our salvation. Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

“Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out”

  •   May 16, 2022   •     •   Jeremiah 40–44

Jeremiah 40–44 represents the last stage of Jeremiah’s public ministry. It ended on a low note, with a people who rejected his message all the days of his ministry.  Video … Continue reading