Women’s Lunch

  •   Feb 13, 2023   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2023. This recording is from the women’s lunch taught by Nikki Daniel. Continue reading

Joy in Hard Times

  •   Feb 12, 2023   •     •   1 Peter 1:1–9

True joy originates with Jesus. He pointed his disciples to a life of joy found through faith in the gospel. As Jesus forms his life in us, we discover what … Continue reading

“Who Am I to Judge?”

Upon reading Romans 1:18–32, some of Paul’s Jewish readers would have been prone to think about their Gentile neighbors with a sense of superiority. Paul warns them (and us): be … Continue reading

Wonder and Be Astounded

  •   Jan 29, 2023   •     •   Habakkuk 1

The book of Habakkuk shows how saints rest in God by wrestling with his kind and severe providence, grappling with his unwavering promises, and pondering his holy character. Sermon Audio Continue reading

“What’s My Excuse?”

Having just shared the Good News—albeit in a condensed fashion—Paul turns his attention to the Bad News. Sinful man has suppressed the truth, exchanged God’s glory for idolatry, and is … Continue reading

“Am I Righteous?”

When confronted with the question, “Are you righteous?” most people today would probably answer, “Kind of.” They would see themselves on the spectrum of righteousness. For Paul, however, righteousness is … Continue reading

“Why Does God Save?”

Paul wrote his letter to the Romans while paused in Greece, probably Corinth, on his way to Jerusalem as he approached the end of his third missionary journey. He didn’t … Continue reading


  •   Jan 01, 2023   •     •   Joshua 1:1–9

One of the most comforting truths in the Bible is that God is with you. After the death of Moses, God commissioned Joshua to lead Israel to conquer the Promised … Continue reading

Do You Know Mary?

The virgin birth is foundational to Christianity. Jesus became incarnate when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary. That day, she became the mother of God. Upon hearing the news from … Continue reading

The Power of Wisdom

Solomon instructs his son to pursue wisdom, “receive my words and treasure up my commandments” (v. 1). He promises this pursuit will lead to an understanding of “the fear of … Continue reading