“Whose Sins Are Covered?”

After explaining that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, Paul addresses the question on the mind of every faithful Jew reading through the book of Romans, “What … Continue reading

“What Is Christianity?”

In what some call the most important paragraph in the Bible, Paul announces, explains, and applies the Good News of Jesus Christ. After laying out the Bad News in Romans … Continue reading

“Am I Good Enough?”

Those with “imposter syndrome” think they’re worse than they actually are. Those with “angel syndrome” are convinced they’re better than they actually are. Both are real problems, but those with … Continue reading

“Is God Unfair?”

Though Paul wrote the book of Romans to churches in Rome, several times in the book, he addresses the objections to Christianity posed by Jewish skeptics. Romans 3:1–8 is an … Continue reading

“Am I a Hypocrite?”

In Romans 1:18-32, Paul argues that the whole world is liable to God’s judgment. He describes, in stunning detail, the downward moral slide of those who make an idol out … Continue reading

Unable to Do Good: A Case for Total Depravity

  •   Feb 13, 2023   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep 2023. This recording is from Session 1 taught by Aaron Menikoff. Continue reading

“Who Am I to Judge?”

Upon reading Romans 1:18–32, some of Paul’s Jewish readers would have been prone to think about their Gentile neighbors with a sense of superiority. Paul warns them (and us): be … Continue reading

“What’s My Excuse?”

Having just shared the Good News—albeit in a condensed fashion—Paul turns his attention to the Bad News. Sinful man has suppressed the truth, exchanged God’s glory for idolatry, and is … Continue reading

“Am I Righteous?”

When confronted with the question, “Are you righteous?” most people today would probably answer, “Kind of.” They would see themselves on the spectrum of righteousness. For Paul, however, righteousness is … Continue reading

“Why Does God Save?”

Paul wrote his letter to the Romans while paused in Greece, probably Corinth, on his way to Jerusalem as he approached the end of his third missionary journey. He didn’t … Continue reading