To Whom Do I Belong?

In this paragraph, Paul continues an argument he began in chapter 6. He debunks the notion that Christianity is a license to sin. Nothing could be further from the truth. … Continue reading


Sadly, we’ve seen an uptick in “despair” in recent years. Many of our neighbors (and some of our own) are walking through life burdened by depression and anxiety. Some individuals … Continue reading


David is running from Saul, who has become his ruthless enemy. Betrayed by kinsmen who should have protected him, David is forced to hide in the mountains. David, a great … Continue reading


David endured over ten years of injustice at the hands of Saul. David could have exacted justice himself, but Psalm 35 demonstrates that he relied on God to execute perfect … Continue reading

“Can I Be Free of Sin?”

Every true believer wants to sin less. Even though we often face the temptation to abuse grace, we are eager to wage war against our sin because the gospel has … Continue reading

“Can’t I Sin a Little?”

We all know what it is like to presume upon God’s grace. In a moment of weakness, because of the indwelling sin that still lingers in our hearts, we step … Continue reading

“Why Blame Me?”

This is one of the most important passages in the Bible explaining original sin. Every human being is born corrupted by Adam’s sin and deserving of God’s condemnation. This is … Continue reading

“Can I Rejoice in Suffering?”

In chapter 5, Paul addresses the blessing of justification: peace, daily grace, and hope—but his emphasis is on hope, the hope of future glory. The Christian doesn’t merely long for … Continue reading

“Is Faith Foolish?”

Paul addresses the topic every Jewish reader in his day would have asked: what about Abraham? The Apostle wants us to understand that the life of Abraham proves not only … Continue reading

The Easter Sermon

  •   Apr 09, 2023   •     •   Mark 16:1–8

Though most people believe in heaven, the views of our neighbors are not shaped by the Bible. Jesus taught that he is the way, and the truth, and the life … Continue reading