Truth Matters

  •   Sep 27, 2015   •     •   Titus 1:10-16

How does one discern truth from non-truth? How should the church respond when dealing with non-truth? Why does this matter? Listen as Pastor Aaron teaches on Titus 1:10-16. Continue reading

Leaders Matter

  •   Sep 20, 2015   •     •   Titus 1:5-9

What do you think of pastors? What did Paul think of pastors? Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches from Titus 1 on Paul’s qualifications for leadership in the church. Continue reading

Hope Matters

  •   Sep 06, 2015   •     •   Titus 1:1-4

A true leader models a God-centered hope in a trustworthy and reliable God. Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches from Titus 1:1-4. Continue reading

Resenting God’s Grace

  •   Aug 30, 2015   •     •   Jonah 4:1-11

As Christians, we want to be overwhelmed by God’s amazing love for the nations. Listen now… Continue reading

Declaring God’s Message

  •   Aug 23, 2015   •     •   Jonah 3:1-10

How should we respond to the sin that so affects the world around us? How should we respond to the sin in our own hearts and churches? Listen as Pastor … Continue reading

Enjoying God’s Mercy

  •   Aug 16, 2015   •     •   Jonah 1:17–2:10

God pours out his mercy in the least likely of places. Listen as Pastor Aaron shares from Jonah 1:17-2:10. Continue reading

Facing God’s Power

  •   Aug 09, 2015   •     •   Jonah 1:4-16

True repentance requires a change of course. Listen as Pastor Aaron shares from Jonah 1:4-16. Continue reading

Avoiding God’s Will

  •   Jul 26, 2015   •     •   Jonah 1:1-3

God called the prophet Jonah to preach, but Jonah ran away. Why? Listen as Pastor Aaron Menikoff explains how Jonah failed to see the true nature of his own sin, … Continue reading

What is Christian Unity?

  •   Jul 19, 2015   •     •   John 17:20-26

What is Christian Unity? Why does Jesus pray for it right before he goes to the cross? Listen as Senior Pastor Aaron Menikoff explains the importance and motivation for unity … Continue reading

Will I Ever Change?

  •   Jun 28, 2015   •     •   John 17:13-19

Why does Jesus leave his followers in the world where sin still reigns? Listen as Pastor Aaron explains how we experience joy and holiness through our suffering. Continue reading