Am I Holy?

  •   Jun 05, 2016   •     •   Leviticus 17–20

Salvation by Christ produces stunning holiness in Christ. God saved a people to be holy and different from their neighbors. Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches on Leviticus 17–20. Continue reading

Am I Forgiven?

  •   May 22, 2016   •     •   Leviticus 16

God shows his people how they can enter the most sacred place to be close to him, but they had to receive forgiveness before entering his presence. Jesus came as … Continue reading

Am I Clean?

  •   May 15, 2016   •     •   Leviticus 11–15

The presence of God demands purity, which only the blood of Christ provides. Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches on Leviticus 11–15. Continue reading

Do I Need a Mediator?

  •   May 08, 2016   •     •   Leviticus 8–10

The priests in Leviticus served as mediators between a holy God and a sinful people. They teach us that we cannot approach God without his help, and they point forward … Continue reading

Can I Approach God?

  •   May 01, 2016   •     •   Leviticus 1–7

The language of the Bible is unashamedly bloody, and sacrifices are at the heart of Christianity. Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches about the meaning of the ancient system of animal … Continue reading

The Shepherd

  •   Apr 24, 2016   •     •   John 21:15-23

The love of God equips us to show sacrificial joy. Listen as Aaron Menikoff preaches on John 21. Continue reading

The Fishermen

  •   Apr 10, 2016   •     •   John 21:1-14

All of Christianity hinges on the resurrection of Christ. However, people often struggle with how they should respond to it. Listen as Aaron Menikoff shows how some of the disciples … Continue reading

The Doubter

  •   Apr 03, 2016   •     •   John 20:19-31

True faith is not found by looking for a feeling or a miracle. True faith is rooted in God’s revealing himself through his word. Listen as Pastor Aaron teaches on … Continue reading

The Life

  •   Mar 27, 2016   •     •   John 20:1-18

Jesus is the resurrected Lord who makes a claim on our lives. Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches on John 20:1-18. Continue reading

The Seeker

  •   Mar 20, 2016   •     •   John 19:38-42

Courage is the natural response to the truth of the gospel in the life of a true believer. Listen as Aaron Menikoff teaches on John 19:38-42. Continue reading