The Spirit of Christ

  •   May 12, 2019   •     •   Acts 13:1–12

Reaching the nations is a key part of being a Chrisitan and being a Christian church. Continue reading

The Justice of the Justifier

  •   Apr 28, 2019   •     •   Romans 3:21–31

God the just made the way for sinners to be forgiven–fully and finally–through the sacrifice of Christ. Continue reading

The Easter Sermon (2019)

  •   Apr 21, 2019   •   Luke 24:1–12

Faith in the risen Christ will change your life. Continue reading

The Cup of the King

  •   Apr 14, 2019   •     •   Mark 10:35–45

The cross is your only door to a life of humble, loving, self denial. Continue reading

The Suffering of the Servant

  •   Apr 07, 2019   •     •   Isaiah 53:4–6

Jesus is the savior of humanity. As he is crucified, nobody wants to look at him but everyone needs him. Continue reading

The Sword of the Lord

  •   Mar 31, 2019   •     •   1 Chronicles 21:18–22:1

Our sin deserves death the the only substitute is a bloody sacrifice. The Cross is the heart of the gospel. Continue reading

The Blood of the Lamb

  •   Mar 10, 2019   •     •   Exodus 12:1–13

More than anything else, the world needs reconciliation with a holy God. Atonement through the blood of Christ is how God reconciles sinners to himself. Continue reading

The Joy of God

  •   Mar 03, 2019   •     •   Zephaniah 3:14–20

As Christians, we should know the joy of the Lord in our lives. Zephaniah gives us reasons for rejoicing. Continue reading

A Faithful Pastor: The Life & Ministry of Edward T. Hiscox

  •   Feb 25, 2019   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2019. This recording is Session One from Aaron Menikoff. Continue reading

Panel Discussion

, ,   •   Feb 25, 2019   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2019. This recording is a panel discussion with Aaron Menikoff, Clint Watson, and Brian Davis. Continue reading