What Do You Value?

Though Paul was an apostle, not a pastor, we can learn much about pastoral ministry from his example in Acts 20:13–27. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Have You Seen a Miracle?

Resurrection miracles, as seen in Acts 20:7–12, are signs that the gospel is true and that we can find new life in Jesus. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

Do You Know How to Encourage?

In Acts 20:1–6, God raises up a band of brothers—friends—who would accompany Paul­ on his difficult mission. These friends had themselves received encouragement from Paul, who, for us, exemplifies an … Continue reading

The Texture of Unity in the Local Church

  •   Sep 07, 2021   •     •   Ephesians 6:21–24

In John 17:21, Jesus prayed for Christian unity for the sake of the nations. But what does this look like? According to Ephesians 6:21–24, it looks like churches knowing each … Continue reading

The Power of Unity in the Global Church

  •   Aug 30, 2021   •     •   John 17:20–23

The unity to be experienced within and between churches is a reflection of the unity shared by the Triune God himself. In John 17:20–23, Jesus asserts that the gospel will … Continue reading

What Does Your Gospel Threaten?

By the end of Acts 19, we see how the gospel changed a generation of believers whom God used, in no small part, to change the world. Livestream Video & … Continue reading

What Have You Given Up?

In Acts 19:8–20, Paul is in Ephesus teaching the gospel faithfully for nearly three years. All the residents of the Roman province of Asia hear the Word of the Lord. … Continue reading

Have You Been Baptized?

In Acts 19:1–7, Paul brings up gospel clarity because he recognizes only the gospel makes disciples. Livestream Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

God Works Through Christ

  •   Jul 06, 2021   •     •   Nehemiah 11–13

In Nehemiah 11–13, the people of Jerusalem can not and will not obey God’s law. We know why: they need the gospel of Jesus Christ, which will one day bring … Continue reading

God Works Through Preaching

  •   Jun 28, 2021   •     •   Nehemiah 8–10

In Nehemiah 8–10, Ezra modeled a pattern of preaching that has lasted through the ages. Christian preaching produces celebration, lamentation, adoration, and commitment to Christ, who is our covenant-keeping God. … Continue reading