“What’s My Excuse?”

Having just shared the Good News—albeit in a condensed fashion—Paul turns his attention to the Bad News. Sinful man has suppressed the truth, exchanged God’s glory for idolatry, and is … Continue reading

“Am I Righteous?”

When confronted with the question, “Are you righteous?” most people today would probably answer, “Kind of.” They would see themselves on the spectrum of righteousness. For Paul, however, righteousness is … Continue reading

“Why Does God Save?”

Paul wrote his letter to the Romans while paused in Greece, probably Corinth, on his way to Jerusalem as he approached the end of his third missionary journey. He didn’t … Continue reading

Blessed Assurance

  •   Apr 11, 2022   •     •   Romans 5:1–11

Because God loved us first, we can be assured that we will experience his love forever. Our hope is secure. Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

The Hinge

Justification by faith alone was “the hinge” of the Reformation, according to John Calvin. In Romans 3:27–4:8, we see how this right standing is granted to sinners by God’s free … Continue reading

A Glorious Bondage

  •   Jul 21, 2019   •     •   Romans 6:15–23

All people are either slaves to righteousness or slaves to sin. In Christ, we receive freedom from sin, and empowerment to serve God with our lives. Continue reading

The God of the Inadequate

  •   May 05, 2019   •     •   Exodus 4:1–17

We must trust God to work through us. Continue reading

The Justice of the Justifier

  •   Apr 28, 2019   •     •   Romans 3:21–31

God the just made the way for sinners to be forgiven–fully and finally–through the sacrifice of Christ. Continue reading

The Joy of Suffering

  •   Aug 07, 2016   •     •   Romans 5:1-5

Persecution and trails are inescapable for the Christian. Romans 5 was written to encourage believers enduring persecution. Listen as Bryan Pillsbury preaches on Romans 5:1-5 Continue reading


  •   Oct 02, 2011   •     •   Romans 12:1-3