Our History Matters

  •   Aug 18, 2019   •     •   Psalm 77

At times, the Christian life is marked by despair. But as Christians, we cannot merely remain in our despair. The Psalmist shows us in Psalm 77 how to respond to … Continue reading

Dinner with Jesus

Aug 11, 2019   •     •   Luke 14:1–24

In this text, Jesus is challenging our selfishness in how we tend to relate to others. This week’s sermon audio is available upon request. Please email info@mvbchurch.org. Continue reading

Our Work Matters

  •   Aug 04, 2019   •     •   Psalm 8

Psalm 8 tells us who God is, who we are, and why we are here. Continue reading

The Faithfulness of Christ

  •   Jul 28, 2019   •     •   Acts 14:24–28

The faithfulness of Christ is at the heart of the God’s friendship with his people. Continue reading

A Glorious Bondage

  •   Jul 21, 2019   •     •   Romans 6:15–23

All people are either slaves to righteousness or slaves to sin. In Christ, we receive freedom from sin, and empowerment to serve God with our lives. Continue reading

An Undivided Kingdom

  •   Jul 14, 2019   •     •   Matthew 12:22–37

Matthew’s gospel is the story of God’s kingdom coming to earth through the work of our King Jesus. In this passage, Jesus shows that we must be fully committed to … Continue reading

Understanding Anxiety (Part 2)

  •   Jul 13, 2019   •  

Audio from Anxiety Workshop for Women held July 13, 2019. Part 1 is Meg King, and Part 2 is Andrea Lee. Additional Resources on Anxiety Booklets Anxiety and Panic Attacks … Continue reading

Understanding Anxiety (Part 1)

  •   Jul 13, 2019   •  

Audio from Anxiety Workshop for Women held July 13, 2019. Part 1 is Meg King, and Part 2 is Andrea Lee. Additional Resources on Anxiety Booklets Anxiety and Panic Attacks … Continue reading

Faith for Future Promises

  •   Jul 07, 2019   •     •   Genesis 23

Death has a powerful impact on our faith in God’s future promises. Continue reading

The Sufferings of Christ

  •   Jun 30, 2019   •     •   Acts 14:19–23

Our perseverance in Christ means that we must prize him above all. Continue reading