The God Who Sees

  •   Oct 28, 2019   •     •   Ezekiel 25–32

Ezekiel’s prophecy now turns from Israel’s sin to the sin of the surrounding nations. God’s unique affection for his people means that he does not take their oppression lightly. Continue reading

Righteousness: The Light

  •   Oct 20, 2019   •     •   Matthew 5:13–16

After the Beatitudes, Jesus goes on to exhort his disciples to be the salt of the earth and a light to the world. Our lives are meant to be distinct … Continue reading

The God Who Warns

  •   Oct 13, 2019   •     •   Ezekiel 12–24

Suffering in our lives forces us to wrestle with the hardest realities of life. When this happens we must look to God in the midst of trial to know the … Continue reading

Righteousness: The Beatitudes

  •   Oct 07, 2019   •     •   Matthew 5:1–12

In the Beatitudes, Jesus is teaching his disciples what life in the Kingdom of God will be like for his followers. Continue reading

The God Who Judges

  •   Sep 29, 2019   •     •   Ezekiel 4–11

In Ezekiel, we see God’s judgment come down on the people of Israel for their sin. We also see God’s mercy foretold that will come fully and finally in Christ. Continue reading

Obedient Faith

  •   Sep 22, 2019   •     •   Hebrews 11

Struggling Christians can look at the examples from Hebrews 11 and be encouraged to continue in obedience to Christ. Continue reading

The God Who Speaks

  •   Sep 15, 2019   •     •   Ezekiel 1–3

A life of faithful ministry depends upon a proper understanding of God. Continue reading

Partnering with Parents

  •   Sep 08, 2019   •  

The church, as one family, partners with nuclear families to show the next generation the way of Christ. Continue reading

The Church as One Family

  •   Sep 01, 2019   •  

Our Joy Matters

  •   Aug 25, 2019   •     •   Psalm 97

God’s righteousness and justice work together for the joy of his people. Continue reading