“Making Mud Pies”

  •   Feb 28, 2022   •     •   Jeremiah 7:1–10:25

In Jeremiah 7:1–10:25, Jeremiah reiterates God’s pending judgment on the people of Judah, but he also reminds them of who God is and why he deserves their sole allegiance. Video … Continue reading

What God Wants for You

  •   Feb 23, 2022   •     •   Ephesians 3:14–19

Most of Ephesians is prayer—the divinely inspired prayers of Paul for his people. In these verses, Paul’s heart for God’s people is on full display, especially his desire to see … Continue reading

Women’s Lunch

  •   Feb 22, 2022   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2022. This recording is from the women’s lunch taught by Keri Folmar. Continue reading

The Reformation of the Church’s Worship

  •   Feb 22, 2022   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2022. This recording is Session Four from Ligon Duncan. Continue reading

More Than Silver or Gold

  •   Feb 22, 2022   •     •   Acts 3:1–10

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2022. This recording is Session Three from Matt Dye. Continue reading

Sufficient Grace for Suffering in Ministry

  •   Feb 22, 2022   •     •   2 Corinthians 11–12,

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2022. This recording is Session Two from Ligon Duncan. Continue reading

Hannah More: When Virtue Went Viral

  •   Feb 22, 2022   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep Conference 2022. This recording is Session One from Aaron Menikoff. Continue reading

“Dear Sir, I Am”

  •   Feb 14, 2022   •     •   Jeremiah 2:1–6:30

The only hope for those caught in a cycle of sin is to acknowledge their guilt and return to the Lord. Video & Sermon Audio  Continue reading

“A Boy Who Drives a Plough”

  •   Feb 07, 2022   •     •   Jeremiah 1:1–19

In Jeremiah 1, we see the God who promised to “build and plant” Israel is the same God who will never leave us nor forsake us. Video & Sermon Audio … Continue reading

The Prayer of God

  •   Jan 31, 2022   •     •   Matthew 6:5–15

The believer approaches God not as a stranger and not even as a guest—we approach God as his precious child. With the privilege of prayer comes the responsibility to pray … Continue reading