The Call of Wisdom

Chapters 1–9 are an extended introduction to the book of Proverbs. Solomon wants to teach his son and us that wisdom is a matter of life and death. To drive … Continue reading

Christmas Tea Devotional 2022

Dec 03, 2022   •  

This is the audio recording of the devotional given by Katrina Kanode at the 2022 Christmas Tea.     Continue reading

Engaging the Culture with Compassion

, ,   •   Nov 27, 2022   •  

This recording is from a joint Sunday School class by Sean DeMars titled “Engaging the Culture with Compassion.” The class ends with a Q&A session including Aaron Menikoff and Zack … Continue reading

Feeling the Weight of Death

  •   Nov 27, 2022   •     •   John 11:1–44

We live in a world that treats death as a natural part of life. However, Christians know death is a tragedy—the curse of the Fall. Jesus wept at the death … Continue reading

The Beauty of Wisdom

Proverbs 1–9 is one extended introduction to the entire book. The short, pithy wisdom sayings begin in chapter 10. These chapters wake up the reader, drawing our attention to the … Continue reading

The Purpose of Wisdom

Proverbs is a book of wisdom for life. A book for the young and the wise, Proverbs teaches us how to live when the next step isn’t obvious. The world … Continue reading

Will You Listen?

  •   Nov 06, 2022   •     •   Acts 28:11–31

Paul made it to Rome at last, where Christians welcomed him! He evangelizes members of the Jewish synagogue, issues a stern warning, and then spends two years boldly proclaiming the … Continue reading

Grace and Christian Unity

  •   Oct 30, 2022   •     •   Titus 3:9–15

Paul’s closing instructions to Titus are governed by the concern that Christians prioritize Christian unity. He also assumes that Christians will be eagerly interested in God’s work worldwide. Video & … Continue reading

Can You Trust the Bible?

  •   Oct 23, 2022   •     •   Acts 27:1–28:10

Paul sets sail for Rome only to be sidetracked by a terrible storm. God sends an angel to inform Paul that he will spare everyone on board, though the ship … Continue reading

Grace That Saves

  •   Oct 16, 2022   •     •   Titus 3:4–8

Titus 3 shows the need, work, and purposes of salvation. Regeneration is a unilateral work of God. It is a change of heart brought about through the Holy Spirit. And … Continue reading