“What Is Christianity?”

In what some call the most important paragraph in the Bible, Paul announces, explains, and applies the Good News of Jesus Christ. After laying out the Bad News in Romans … Continue reading

Reading the Bible Evangelistically

  •   Mar 22, 2023   •  

This recording is from a topical Equipping Matters class taught by Jeffrey Timmons on reading the Bible evangelistically. Continue reading

Fear and Tremble

Habakkuk 3 teaches us about the fear of God. Fear of God is a trembling response to God in all his perfections that leads us toward God in wonder and … Continue reading

“It’s a boy! It’s a girl!”

  •   Mar 15, 2023   •  

This recording is from a topical Equipping Matters class taught by Brad Thayer on defining what it means to be a man or a woman. Continue reading

“Am I Good Enough?”

Those with “imposter syndrome” think they’re worse than they actually are. Those with “angel syndrome” are convinced they’re better than they actually are. Both are real problems, but those with … Continue reading

“Is God Unfair?”

Though Paul wrote the book of Romans to churches in Rome, several times in the book, he addresses the objections to Christianity posed by Jewish skeptics. Romans 3:1–8 is an … Continue reading

“Am I a Hypocrite?”

In Romans 1:18-32, Paul argues that the whole world is liable to God’s judgment. He describes, in stunning detail, the downward moral slide of those who make an idol out … Continue reading

Live by Faith

  •   Feb 19, 2023   •     •   Habakkuk 2

In Habakkuk 2, the Lord assures Habakkuk of his future judgment of Babylon. This judgment prefigures the wrath to come when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead. … Continue reading

Unable to Do Good: A Case for Total Depravity

  •   Feb 13, 2023   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep 2023. This recording is from Session 1 taught by Aaron Menikoff. Continue reading

The Glory of the Triune God in the Work of Redemption

  •   Feb 13, 2023   •  

Audio recorded at Feed My Sheep 2023. This recording is from Session 2 taught by Bert Daniel. Continue reading