How Glorious is God?

Paul brings Romans 9-11 to an end with these climatic verses. The most theologically astute reader still leaves this section of Romans with profound questions. We must wait for heaven … Continue reading

Facing and Overcoming Temptation

  •   May 19, 2024   •     •   James 1:13–18

In James 1:13–18, James tells Christians that the temptations they face do not originate from God but from their own desires. These sinful desires of their hearts, when acted upon … Continue reading

What Is Mercy?

Mercy is God’s kindness toward sinners with an emphasis on their need. And this is how our passage ends—with the reminder that God’s mercy is for Jews, his beloved people—and … Continue reading

God’s All-Sufficient Grace

  •   May 05, 2024   •     •   2 Corinthians 12:1–10

Profound displays of God’s power marked the ministry of the Apostle Paul. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul recounted a grand vision that the Lord gave to him. He knew sharing … Continue reading