The Perspective is the monthly journal of Mount Vernon. It includes an article, book recommendations, and more.

Culture Shift

Sep 04, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 9


Also featured in this edition:

The Bookshelf: The Call by Os Guiness

10 Prayers for Godly Elders

Jul 31, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 8


Also featured in this edition:

The Bookshelf: Keep the Faith by Martin Ayers

Knowing MVBC: Our Newest Members

Heaven on My Mind

Jul 01, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 7


Also featured in this edition:

Why Gay Marriage is Good (and Bad) for the Church
by Trevin Wax (

Pleasing People/Pleasing God

Jun 03, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 6


Also featured in this edition:

A Culture of Discipleship

Foster Tales

May 03, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 5


Also featured in this edition:

The Bookshelf: Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild by Mary Kassian

Sola Scriptura: the Sufficiency of Scripture

Apr 02, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 4


Also featured in this edition:

The Bookshelf: The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur

Elder Nomination: Doug Young

Knowing the Body: our newest members

The Christian Worldview

Mar 01, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 3


Also featured in this edition:

The Bookshelf: A Sure Guide to Heaven by Joseph Alleine

Pray the Word

Feb 01, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 2


Also featured in this edition:

Knowing the Body: our newest members

The Bookshelf: Practicing Hospitality by Pat Ennis & Lisa Tatlock

Sing the Word

Jan 09, 2013

Volume VI, Issue 1


Also featured in this edition:

Covenant Groups

The Bookshelf: Knowing God by J. I. Packer

25 Lessons the Incarnation Teaches

Nov 29, 2012

Volume V, Issue 12


Also featured in this edition:

Knowing the Body: our newest members

Covenant Groups

The Bookshelf: Health, Wealth & Happiness by David W. Jones & Russell S. Woodbridge