Much of the Christian life and our goal in missions is summarized in the famous words of the late missionary Jim Elliot – “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose.” Our desire is to partner with others and send one another committed to Jesus’ command to

“Go therefore and makes disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”Matthew 28:19-20

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave his church these marching orders, and it will be our mission until he returns.

Why send?

God is committed to making his glory known among all the peoples of the earth though the praise of his glorious grace by his people.

All peoples of the earth are under God’s righteous judgment and in need of being reconciled to their Creator God.

The good news of the life, death, and resurrection of King Jesus is the only hope now and for eternity for all peoples of the earth.

God’s purposes to make his glory known among all the peoples of the earth will never fail.

Our Approach

We partner with missionaries and ministries throughout the globe that are committed to:

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ being the only hope for the nations.
  • The local church being central to God’s plan for the spread of the Gospel to the nations.
  • Seeing the Gospel spread beyond their immediate sphere of ministry through evangelism and discipleship OR to establishing a new Gospel presence through church planting.

Our Involvement

Where possible, we seek to be actively involved with missionaries and ministries through:

Financial Support:

We usually make a minimum of a 2-3 year of financial commitment.

Care Teams:

We create teams for each partnership, who are responsible for keeping in regular contact with the missionaries and helping coordinate members to care for them with cards, notes of encouragement, and gifts.

Regular Trips:

We seek to mobilize members for annual trips to encourage the missionaries and partner with them on the field in their ministry.

glocal reach

Our Presence

We are involved in a number of places throughout the globe including:

  • Dominican Republic
  • Middle East
  • North Africa
  • Ukraine
  • Tibet

Read Sending MVBC Booklet and Culture Shift to learn more about missions at MVBC.