Aaron Menikoff

Aaron came to Mount Vernon in June 2008 after completing his Master of Divinity in Biblical and Theological Studies and his Ph.D. in American Church History from Southern Seminary.

Prior to pastoral ministry, Aaron worked as a legislative assistant to the late U.S. Senator Mark O. Hatfield. After leaving his career in politics, he went on staff and served as an elder at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. While in seminary, Aaron served as an elder and interim pastor at Third Avenue Baptist Church.

Aaron is the organizer and host of Feed My Sheep, an annual conference for pastors and church leaders in the Atlanta area. He also serves on the administrative team of the Greater Atlanta Baptist Network, where he leads a monthly pastors fellowship, and is a founding board member of the Association of Churches for Missions & Evangelism

In addition to pastoral ministry, Aaron is an Adjunct Professor of Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary (Atlanta), the author of Character Matters (Moody, 2020, read excerpts here and here) and Politics and Piety: Baptist Social Reform in America, 1770-1860 (Pickwick, 2014), the co-author of Prioritizing Missions in the Church (Crossway, 2025), and co-host of the Island Idylls podcast.


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